Yes a new look to the blog
Not just a new look but up the top you can find new links
To our YouTube channel we’re there is lots of videos from Stickle Tarn including Vlog 001 our first vlog giving a snapshot of some of the things that have taken place through the week. Don’t forget to hit like and subscribe to the channel then you won’t miss anything.
Don’t want to go through the link here is the Vlog 001
Also a link to Stickle Tarns Facebook page for those of you who like to follow on social media.
A link to my craft blog that will also be overhauled in the next few days
And a big NEW yes a new blog that is following our building works here at Stickle Tarn.
What else is new well Mia had a new Birthday, she is now 11 years old although sometimes it’s like she is only 1
I have some new trees to plant this coming week, Monkey Puzzle Trees, Scots pine saplings 30 of them, and some Elephant Grass.
I had a go at canning a few new recipes, Tomato based pasta sauce and a Tomato based BBQ sauce, We have done well this year for tomatoes.
I also tried a new recipe from the Amish Canning Book
Stewed beef and vegetables
That’s it for today I hope you enjoy all the new stuff.