Linking up with Five On Friday
5 special things that occurred on the ranch this week
1-: The little kids had there special day
The vet came to de-horn and castrate
I set up a comfy cosy recovery corner putting to use a couple of unused dog beds, had blankets on hand to keep them warm while they woke up
They were all marked with dots for numbers and weighed so the right amount of anesthetic could be used goats dont do well with anesthetic so it was important for the vet to get it right.
With six of them to get through it wasn't a 5 minuet job
The horn buds were removed and now they are all sporting blue circles, the older three who are three weeks old we don't know if the de-horning will be successful as they should be done before two weeks.
The boys are now all sporting blue bits,
everyone recovered well, next day they were back to there usual selves leaping all over the place.
They are de-horned to make it safer to handle them and less chance of injury to each other, castration the males are destined for the freezer come weaning the kids will all move together to a new field and we don't want no unexpected teenage mum's.
2:- Another goat event, yesterday morning when I went to feed and milk, Helen was already up on the stand waiting
This was a big occasion, she has taken to milking now accepts it as part of her morning routine, she is a very very friendly little lady but she has been handled since she was born, this makes things a lot easier, she still only uses 3 legs, I did speak with the vet about perhaps having the bad leg amputated but we will see.
she gives us a good 2pints every morning.
3:- News on Tess, when ever I walk up the drive it's usually just me and Sol as Tess doesn't like going past our neighbours barn,
yesterday I thought I would try Tess again
and she happily walked up the drive and back with me and Sol off her lead, what ever it was that scared her before she now has the confidence to walk past, in 8 weeks our rescued lady is a changed dog. See how slim she looks 8kg (17lbs) she has lost.
4:- On the plant front, last year I failed at growing Tumeric
This year 4 roots have sprouted
I am doing a happy dance, I still have fingers crossed that the ginger will grow too another failure last year.
5:- Now a failure, annoyed with myself, last night I creamed off the goats milk, in total I had 1pt of lovely thick cream,
thought I would do butter in the mixer instead of the small butter churn, set it all up, I was washing dishes keeping an eye on it, it started to separate, went to dry my hands, came back and I passed the moment it should have been slowed down or stopped and it had re-mixed back to cream, it is nigh n impossible to rescue butter from this, it is now back in the fridge I might give it another try today but dont hold out much hope, it will be destined to have with strawberries I think.
That's my five for this week, follow the link and pop over and have a look at the other blogs taking part.
That's my five for this week, follow the link and pop over and have a look at the other blogs taking part.