Thursday, 2 March 2017

This Weeks Catch Up

Its been a non stop week
Today was a lovely dry day, with sunshine and a good drying wind, got two loads of washing done and dried on the line.
The Wine Cooler arrived this morning
 Its not going to be used for wine, it is going to be a meat drying cabinet, I shall take the shelves out and next week the Serrano Ham I am doing will go in there, wine coolers have a fan inside to circulate the air were as a fridge just stays cold, its circulating drying air I need to cure the ham, I will be trying out with the bacon first that will be ready to go in there tomorrow. It will be used for Salami, Chorizo as well as hams and in time I can also use it for cheese.
Tomatoes and peppers are growing well, they are under the growing light.
 They are all starting to get there true leaves now.

 Today I was in the poly tunnel, I got all the Dahlia tubers planted up along with the begonias
 The brassicas I sowed end of last week are now starting to show,
I also got the broad beans sowed today
things are starting to come along nicely.

On the dog front, Tess is really settling in and is now starting to get used to our routine, she comes on the feed rounds and enjoys a romp around the field, we took her to the vet on Monday for a check over, she has lost a 1kg since she has been with us
we asked him to check her hearing and he confirmed what we thought she is deaf, nothing can be done like her eyes she has really bad cataracts, but she is a happy dog, tail is always wagging.
We got Tess a new harness and tag for her collar also a nice new comfy bed the same as Sol as.

We also wanted the vet to check Sol he has been dropping in weight recently, this called for a blood test
Sol didn't want to play ball so he had to be sedated
Neck shaved bloods taken, he looked like he had fallen from the ceiling, even though it was a light sedation and he was give a reversal he took ages to find his feet again, and didn't really get over it until night time.
Yesterday was Sol's 10th birthday and I had to take him back for the results, it seems he has liver issues all part of being an OAP, we are putting him on a special diet to see if we can maintain weight, I am also putting him on Milk Thistle a homoeopathic treatment, he is not suitable for other treatments. He is fine in himself all we can do is try to slow down progression.
Its been a bit a of a topsy turvey week all in all. 




  1. Loved your meat post yesterday. I think even squeamish old me would like to have a go at doing some bacon.
    So happy to read that Tess is settling in but sorry to read that Sol has liver problems.
    Bless them both-x-

  2. Poor old Sol...he's in a good place to do the best by him though...I 'm sure he knows this. I' waiting to see what use you'll find for the shelves of the wine cooler? x

  3. I've just seen your Facebook updates and knew I would get the answer on here. Sad to read about sol. He is a couple of years younger than Buddy and they look so much alike. Tess looks like she's been there for years on the latest photos. That's good to see.
    What do you mean Sol isn't suitable for other treatments, herbal or medicinal? Just curious x

  4. I'm glad both those fur babies have such good care.

  5. Poor Sol, hopefully the new treatments will help slow things down xx

  6. I needed to see these labs today. We lost our almost 12yo lab yesterday. I believe catastrophic stroke, and then a heart attack. He was healthy, good weight, medication free. We managed to get him to the vet, but there was nothing he could do. Your dogs remind me of his softness. Enjoy them Dawn xxx

  7. Glad Tess is settling in well. She looks very happy in her bed. Hope the treatments for Sol slow down his medical issues. He has such a lovely life with you and it's great to see all the photos. We took our dahlia tubers up last Autumn and have mislaid them at the moment. Good luck with the wine cooler and the meat. We learn such a lot reading your blog. Best wishes

  8. Tess and Sol are obviously getting the best care from you. Looking forward to seeing the wine cooler process. Very exciting to see everybody getting seeds going.

  9. You are doing your best by them both, and I hope that the Milk Thistle helps his liver. You'd better hide the booze from him!!!

  10. Hope sol is ok , It's so upsetting when your pets are ill xxx

  11. Sending lots of love to Sol. Tess is a lucky girl having you as a mum
    Alana x

  12. I do hope Sol gets better, hopefully the Milk Thistle will help him

  13. I hope Sol and Tess have long healthy lives and continue to enjoy themselves. You are good doggie "parents".

  14. Bet that you'll have so much fun with this wine cooler :). Love your site!


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