Wednesday, 16 November 2016

The New Land

Took some photos today of the new land we have bought
 This is field one its at the top of the woodland field I am planting up
 Looking back across from the other side
Field number 2 this field is going to be divided into 4 paddocks with a 24ft field shelter in the middle, this is were the Alpacas will move to, they have been out there today for a look round but didn't stay long as there is no grass for them to graze, the wandered back into there old paddocks.
 Field number 3, this field I would like to try and bring on for hay
 Looking back from the other side, already a start has been made on re-taming the hedges, trees will stay everything else is getting cut down to encourage it thicken up from the bottom.
 There is a gateway from 3 into 4 over the back,
 Then into field number 5
 these fields at the back go straight down to the forest boundary at the bottom
 We plan to use these two fields for sheep.
At the bottom of the fields 
 Is a small wooded area
 It looks like at one point it was a track
 The previous owners called it the tunnel of love 
 Field number 6
 Its called the gorse field as it has lots of gorse, we are going to move the bee hives over here, they are going to be tucked into pockets among the gorse to give them shelter, at the moment you cannot walk around the boundary of this field there is too much gorse and brambles, I want to try bringing the goats in here to graze on the brambles.
 There is some fantastic views across the valley from the new fields.
 There is a lot to do
 The hedgerows between the fields all need serious attention
 We also have to get fencing up between the fields, there is only strip of fencing dividing the top three fields from the middle fields but it is in poor condition.
 There is also trees down from the forestry side coming across the land. We will have no shortage of firewood for years to come.
Final photo
I was filling a water trough for the Alpacas this evening and looking back across towards the house I realised for the first time you can now see the house, buildings and poly tunnels, before we took down the trees you couldn't see the house at all.




  1. REALLY interesting. Well thought our use for each field. Do you have a map for us to look at to get an idea of the lie of your land?

  2. Wow, that's a lot of work to take on, Dawn. But I'm sure you'll roll your sleeves up and get stuck in, like you always do. You've obviously got lots of plans in place.

  3. Heavens Dawn! A tonne of land a lot of work but very good luck to you and Martin for all your plans.

  4. Just thinking that amount of land in Suffolk would be millions!
    which was one of the reasons we always planned to move to Wales, but we didn't and now we will have an acre and that will be enough for us now

  5. That is wonderful. Good luck with all your plans. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they go. Jane xx

  6. That's a lot of land Dawn.
    I shall watch with interest as you tame and make it work for you-x-

  7. Good job, looks like a good patch of land. I'll have to come and walk your estate one day! Love all the trees you've got as well, like another world!

  8. Goodness me that amount of land would terrify me, but I know it will make you very, very happy!

  9. Fabulous 😀

    Are you going to grass seed the new alpaca fields or just allow the existing grass to grow "longer"?

    Your fields look so lush and green. Due to the drought we have crunchy brown grass - it's not nice and offends the eye.

  10. You're one lucky lady Dawn! Love your land and all the plans :)

  11. Wonderful pictures Dawn, your plans are coming to fruition nicely. I wonder if the honey will have a hint of coconut from the gorse flowers, I know that beer made from it does.

  12. Glad you have completion at long last and the new parcel of land appears to fit in very well with what you have already done. A lot of hard work but it should be worth it at the end of the day and the plans you have will certainly help to tame it in the most natural of ways. Good on you. You are certainly living the dream. I am so pleased for you and Martin. Take care. Pattypanxx

  13. Six fields...waw you lucky things! It will however take you longer to walk around your estate! x

  14. I'm so glad it's finally all yours now. I loved looking round it the other day and can see lots of potential (AND lots of work! All that fencing to sort out!!)

    Are you getting someone in to do the fencing or will it be down to you and Martin?

  15. I LOVE this - how truly fabulous. Congratulations. I would love that amount of land in time (I'll settle for the 4/5 we hope to get next year first). Well done on making it yours, hard work and worth it

  16. Hope this wasn't near you...

  17. Congratulations on your aquisition.

  18. How exciting, taking on more land, it's going to be hard work but, it will be so worthwhile when it all up and running as planned. Woo xx

  19. Well done, can't wait to see your plans grow, I love to follow your journey, thank you for sharing with us.

  20. Dawn - what an exciting project you have taken on - and you have all winter to plan it out. I told the farmer you were hoping to make hay, had he any advice. He said (wryly) "Plenty of muck"!

  21. Many congratulations Dawn - at last!! Saw the alpacas exploring their new fields yesterday afternoon - they had a bit of a chase down the dividing fence with some of our ponies as though they hadn't seen each other before, a bit silly considering they have all been living 'next door' during the summer months! Good luck with your future projects for the land. xx


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