Saturday, 8 October 2016

I Am Still Here Bumbling Along

I have had a busy few days but I am still here
 This mornings lovely sun rise, the weather has been nothing to complain about the past week, dry, warm, still although when that sun goes down the night becomes chilly, I have lit the log burner a few times.
My week end was thrown into chaos by Martin coming home unexpected on Thursday afternoon, the reason he had to leave again Saturday morning, work commitments, it doesn't take much to disrupt a routine and now I don't know what day of the week it is. 
 The tanning solution arrived, I have got three boxes of it enough to make 15 gallons, once the solution is made up and you have soaked your skins in it you can store the liquid and keep re-using.
 My fleshing knife arrived too, this is the company I got them from Tanning Supplies they are based in Wales and very helpful over the phone, I met up with them at a show originally.
 I have also taken delivery of a new light for the chicken house, Leigh over on 5 Acres and a dream 
mentioned this solar light on her blog, she was using it in the goat house, I found it on Amazon and its set up in the chicken house, to try and encourage extended egg laying as we are reaching the time of year that egg production drops off. 
The light is fantastic I am impressed. 
I have been busy making new stock for my stall and getting orders done there is a post over on my craft bog of what I have been up to.
I have been just about keeping up with orders and getting some new lines done. 
Right sun is up properly time to get the chores started.


  1. I've been considering a lamp for the chooks but they are still giving us 4 or 5, like today, at the moment so holding back just now. Talkning of chooks, just heading out to clean them and give them a run in the garden.

    1. If you are going to put a light in dont wait until they have stopped laying it can take them up to six weeks to get started again.

  2. we've been inundated with orders recently, I think it is the people that are well organised getting their xmas shopping done before the rush starts

    1. must not complain about getting orders, got to strike while the iron is hot.

  3. I use a solar light for the chicken coop too but not so much for egg laying as I found it encouraged the hens to actually go to bed where I want them to rather than all over the rafters of the barn after dark.

  4. Lovely photo of the sun rising. I wander if you might fancy a spot of tanning of yourself too! Maybe a little too permanent I suspect! x

    1. I love watching the sun rise such wonderful colours and no better way to start the day cup of tea watching the day wake up

  5. Yes we notice that our hens' egg laying is getting less - something to do with the daylight hours I suppose. Also our hens are getting on a bit.

    1. I am not looking for them to be in full production just push out the odd one will do

  6. I keep forgetting to set up the chicken coop light. It's certainly time to do it!

  7. Thanks for the advice earlier. Strange that I can now use my mobile phone outside in the Poly House!

  8. You got one of those solar lights! Isn't it great? I'm fortunate enough to live southerly enough to still get eggs most of the winter (unless they're molting) so I've never set up a light in the chicken coop. I do need to preserve some of our extra eggs now, however, just to make sure I have plenty if I need them.

    1. I noticed they one with a remote control its on my list for the goat house

  9. We used to have an ordinary light bulb in our hen house to give us eggs through the winter, and they carried on laying well. Just a couple of hours each end of a winters' day if I remember rightly, but I am sure you have got it sorted out for yourself.

    I've got (a friend's) tanning book here if you want to borrow it. We have rather lost touch but I had better not give it to you completely unless she suddenly asks for it back.

    1. would love to borrow the book, we cant run electric out to chicken house to far away, and now of course the solar power dosent cost anything to run.


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