Sunday, 15 May 2016


I had to do two rescues today
First up was Kara our youngest alpaca, her she is inside the chicken run, we were sitting having a cup of tea, Kara went running up to the chicken run and started scratching her neck on the net fencing on the out side of the run, next thing she somersaulted and landed up inside the chicken run, we both burst out laughing, she got up shook her self off and then look around and was perplex as to what happened and how she was going to get out.

 Martin took down some of the fencing and rescued her.
Next up was chicks, 
Yesterday when I checked the broody two more chicks were pipping, I left the broody to get on with being mother hen
Today throughout the day I kept seeing her outside with the chick that hatched the other day,
I went and checked this afternoon and disaster, the two that had pipped were part out of the shells, broody had abandoned them and with it being so hot the membranes from inside the shell had dried up and harden over the chicks, they couldn't get out,
I whipped the two eggs away and in the kitchen covered them in a damp cloth to soften the membrane, I slowly took away the rest of the shell and peeled off the dried membrane, while working on one I sat the other on the window sill in the sun to keep it warm, both chicks were chilled,
 They were both weak and chilled, I popped them into the bottom oven while I set the incubator up, I put them in the incubator and left them too it, I had my doubts that they would make it.
This evening they were both on there feet and cheeping, I have now popped them under broody, I have doubts one of them it seems very weak and I think it has and injury to its stomach a bit like a hernia, but we will see, there was still another egg to go, I don't know if it will hatch as it was cold, I will leave it in the incubator for a few days if it doesn't start pipping I will throw it.

We have been cracking on with the poly tunnel this week end
 Now covered and the doors are on
 I still have a bit of ground to finish clearing, most has now been done will finish it tomorrow
 The dovecot is up just waiting for some occupants.
Here is Martin and Sol having a rough and tumble session
this happens every Friday when Martin gets home.
He brought Sol a present this time
Sol has his own paddling pool, he loves to lay in water and cool off, his favourite puddles have dried up, now he has his own big puddle.
Next week end we are taking a day off and having a day out,
We are too busy for holidays or week ends away and we are more than happy to spend our time here.
We are off to Royal Welsh Spring Festival at Builth Wells its a great day out a celebration of smallholding and rural life, don't know what day we are going yet, I have booked tickets online saving £2 off each ticket, we have been several times before there is lots to see and something for everyone. 



  1. ooooh you lucky thing having baby chicks! :D Fingers crossed that they make it, they deserve it after such a dramatic entry into the world :) xx

  2. Heh she flipped herself in huh? I had a mighty rescue myself today but will put it in tomorrow's post.

    Everyone needs a day off and you guys deserve it. Besides who would miss such a show?

    1. we are really looking forward to it

  3. I'm only new to reading your blog, but I must say I'm loving it! I love the shenanigans of the alpacas and all the business of your days :) thankyou for writing!

    1. Never two days the same here, welcome

  4. On the second pic Kara looks like she's saying.....'well what the hell happened there'?
    Bless Sol in his pool. My dog would run a mile. He had a swim once in Derwentwater lake and I think it was enough to last him a lifetime.

    1. Kara was a bit surprised that she was on the other side of the fence

  5. I used to go to the Smallholders show regularly years back - I see they have renamed it! Well done with your rescues and I hope the chicks make it. It's good to see Kara "having fun"!

    You have been working SO HARD. I have hardly been here and the paddock plots have gone bonkers - I have a week's work there now, weeding and sorting.

    1. Kara is going through her mischievous stage

  6. What a wonderful rescue mission! We cannot go to the show on Saturday as the boys have a birthday party to go to. I have looked at the website and would like to go on Sunday but not sure yet.

    1. I hope you can make it if not there is always next year

  7. You deserve a day off for sure. Sol looks in his element, will he have to share the paddling pool with some very warm humans later in the summer?

    1. It will be a guilt free day off and Sol is coming with us

  8. Fingers crossed that both chicks make it, sounds like the broody hen was distracted just like Kara.

  9. I've spent several holidays close to Builth Wells and have happy memories of sitting halfway up a hill eating a steak slice bought in the main street : ) Enjoy your day/

    1. Its a lovely area and the journey there is a pleasure too

  10. Seems like there is always something needing rescued! :) Lucky critters to have you to do it!

    1. Animals always seem to pick there moments usually when I have my hands full with something else

  11. ?
    I rather like the sound of your day off! Did you watch Country File last evening - it was all about Spring and we really enjoyed it. Was your broody a first time mum?

    1. caught the last few minuets I do wish they would put it on later

  12. If times get hard you could always sell Kara to the circus! x

    1. Yes I will keep that in mind she is a funny character

  13. My goodness! It really is like all creatures great and small with the animals isn't it! Something happening all the time. I hope that Sol likes his paddling pool, he looks as though he does!


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