I have been nominated bu three bloggers so I am going to combine all three together
Thank you to
Frugal In Essex at http://frugalinessex.blogspot.co.uk/
The idea of the Liebster Blog Awards is to discover new blogs and here's what you need to do to take part:
- Ensure you thank the person who has nominated you and include links back to their blog, after all it's important you share their lovely blog too!
- Include a photo/badge of the Liebster Blog Awards logo on your blog post to show you've taken part.
- Answer the 10 questions asked by the blogger who has nominated you
- Nominate 5 bloggers that you want to share with your followers and blog viewers
- Create 10 new questions to ask your nominees - have some fun!
- Ensure you make your nominees aware that they have been nominated so they know to answer their questions!
First up Louises questions
1) Do you prefer to send email or write letters?
email as its quicker although I love to get a letter
2) What is your favourite vegetable?
Depends on the season at the moment Asparagus
3) What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Monsters Inc I think it was so long ago
4) Do you subscribe to any magazines?
Not now I have enough magazines to open a shop
5) What is your favourite thing for breakfast?
At the moment it is weetabix but that could change
6) Do you like a particular era in history and if so why?
I love the 50's the fashion, music hairstyles and the dance
7) What is your favourite season of the year?
I like them all my favourite is what ever season we are in
8) Do you wear a watch?
No never only have one clock in the house working, I hate being ruled by time
9) Photos on a disk or in an album?
Both disk keeps them safe but love going through albums with family
10) Favourite holiday taken in the UK?
Oh there are so many, Lake District climbing and walking springs to mind
Now Emma's Questions
1. What was your first pet and what was their name?
A white rat called Lucky, I used to take him to school in my shirt
2. If you could live a day in a different era of time, when would you choose?
The day the 2nd world war was ended such a great occasion of celebration
3. What would your ideal 3 course meal consist of?
Scallops for starter, Lobster for main, chocolate pudding,
4. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
Yeah my sisters arrives today
5. If you were given £1 million what would you spend it on?
I would pay off our mortgage, buy Martin his boat, get all new stock fencing, Have animal shelters built and perhaps a few more log cabins, A bore hole for water, and the latest in solar wind power.
6. What makes you smile the most?
6. What makes you smile the most?
Waking up on the green side of the grass each day
7. What holiday destination would you most like to visit?
Canada I would love to go to
8. Chocolate bar or packet of crisps?
Both depending on what mood I am in
9. If you could meet any famous person (present or passed away) who would it be?
John Seymour would love to have a chat with him
10. What are your top 3 favourite animals?
My dog, The Alpacas and My tortoise
Now for Frugal In Essex
1) What is your favourite biscuit?
Digestives I do like a nice plain digestive
2) What is your favourite cheese?
Dont eat cheese
3) What is your favourite perfume?
Poison in the purple bottle
4) Who is your favourite TV chat show host?
I dont watch chat shows I dont know any
5) What car do you drive?
Range Rover I think thats what it is, I know its black
6) What is your favourite TV soap?
The only one I watch is Casualty
7) Who is your favourite book author?
There are two many, at the moment its Helen Forrester
8) How do you prefer your eggs?
Cooked dont like them raw
9) Do you still have siblings?
Yes two sisters although one has gone AWOL so only one
My blog is my diary
Right that is everyones questions answered I am going to nominate
Winters End at http://wintersendramblings.blogspot.co.uk/
Beverley at http://beehavenacres.blogspot.co.uk/
Tricky Wolf at http://fast-sos.blogspot.co.uk/
Hoosier Girl at http://blessedlittlehomesteadlife.blogspot.com/
Weaver Of grass at http://weaverofgrass.blogspot.com/
Patricia at http://tarragonnthyme.blogspot.com/
I know I picked six
The questions are
1. What is your favourite cartoon character ?
2. Walking or Cycling ?
3. Prefered method of preserving food ?
4. What is your favourite bread ?
5. Your favourite cookery book ?
6. Your favourite tool ?
7. Rain or Wind ?
8. Favourite Herb ?
9. What time do you go to bed ?
10. Seaside or Countryside ?
Reminder of what to do
here's what you need to do to take part:
- Ensure you thank the person who has nominated you and include links back to their blog, after all it's important you share their lovely blog too!
- Include a photo/badge of the Liebster Blog Awards logo on your blog post to show you've taken part.
- Answer the 10 questions asked by the blogger who has nominated you
- Nominate 5 bloggers that you want to share with your followers and blog viewers
- Create 10 new questions to ask your nominees - have some fun!
- Ensure you make your nominees aware that they have been nominated so they know to answer their questions!
Thank you once again bloggers for the nominations :-)
Lots of great questions and answers, especially like not wearing a watch; if not for the kids I probably wouldn't but may still give it a go. Love what you would spend the million on; we would start with the house and animals, too. Lovely to hear about people.
ReplyDeleteActually, my ver favourite answer was about waking up on the green side of the grass!
ReplyDeleteI Loved reading through your answers Dawn and learning more about you; you really should visit Canada - it's a beautiful place. I've been to Vancouver (British Columbia) twice now and it's amazing out there. I very much like the sound of your chosen 3 course meal too! :-) Have a lovely bank holiday weekend! xx
ReplyDeleteThanks for the links - found some new blogs to follow :)
ReplyDeleteAgree - would l-o-v-e to have a r-e-a-l-l-y long chat with John Seymour...
Thank you Dawn for nominating me for a liebster blog award...how exciting....I am pondering over who to nominate next and what questions to ask! Watch this space though. x
ReplyDeleteWell deserved nominations! I enjoyed reading your answers.
ReplyDeleteOoh dear Pattypan, I can barely read the post. The writing is so far over to the right that it is covered by all the stuff there.
ReplyDeleteYour blog has gone off side and the post isnt readable, :-(
ReplyDeleteall done, thank you so much for the nomination :)