Monday, 25 April 2016

Eco Friendly Grass Cutting

The past few days Martin has been trying out Eco friendly labour saving grass cutting
 Moving barriers around the garden
 The Alpacas have been doing there bit
 They do a good job of grass cutting,
Its a shame we cant just let them roam the garden
but they would eat my plants 
Martin has been using the barriers to keep them off the plants.
Looking out the kitchen window it was lovely seeing the Alpacas in the garden.
 Not so nice seeing all the weeds
 I spent yesterday weeding these areas, nearly all done now,
I will show an update when its finished.
I have a lot of plants to get in, I was held up waiting for the Lillie's to start popping up and the young perennials that were planted last year to start showing again, I have before mistakenly dug up plants still sleeping and speared the Lillie's.
This year I have waited.
Tonight's dinner
Vietnamese River Cobbler with
Red Lentil and Spinach Dahl.
recipe found HERE
I do love having fish, it was a very simple tasty meal.



  1. Brilliant not only eco friendly you can recycle the poo. Win win in my book

    1. They eat the grass 24 hrs later its compost and ready to be used

  2. Our chickens are on lock down until the garden is fenced. I can't wait til they are back on bug patrol!

    1. I only have two OAP chooks on patrol in the garden, the others would make far to much mess

  3. Good idea to use the alpacas as lawn mowers. We use our pigs to look after the veg paddocks during the winter. They are off duty now. Paddocks are mostly planted.

    1. They do a nice tidy job as well and dont churn it all up, we used pigs when we first moved here to clear the veg area

  4. I keep teasing the girls that the sheep are going to eat our lawn, they're less than impressed!

    1. if you could keep them off the veg patch its not bad idea

  5. Such a pity I can't borrow a couple for a month. Instead I will just let the grass grow and let the birds feed from the numerous dandelions.

    1. It dosent take them long to get through it 2 days and the garden was done

  6. How lovely to see the Alpaca from your kitchen window, certainly not an everyday site for lots of people! Would your Alpacas and goats like to come and stay in my front garden? I have a huge bed which is currently just full of weeds and lots of sticky bud! The tortoises love it but can't eat it quick enough! How's Flash doing? xx

    1. It is nice and look out and see them at the bottom of the garden, flash dosent like this weather much

  7. Where ever did you get that fish? I've never heard of it b fore! x

    1. Tesco's I have been buying it there for a few years, very much like haddock

  8. The alpacas look like they are really enjoying mowing the lawn for you. The fish looks delicious as does the dahl.

    1. I think they thought they were on holiday

  9. I am sure that the alpacas are enjoying getting to eat from different places around your property and as Martin says, helps with the grass cutting!

    1. They do just have to put barriers around plants otherwise they would consume those too


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