Monday, 15 February 2016

Life Is Going On .......

Life is going on without BT 
We have had grandchildren visiting this week end they go home tomorrow 
Then on Wednesday we have more arriving

 They have been playing with baby goats and yesterday was a trip to the beach
Be back soon with more updates


  1. If it is as cold with you as it is here then you will have to wrap up warm on the beach. Warm cuddling baby goats though.

  2. That Beach visit looks cold though.

  3. What the heck is going on with BT. Its ridiculous that you've been left without for so long. We saw our grandchildren at the weekend.

  4. Your grandchildren look pretty smitten with the goats!

  5. Hope you have a fun week with your family! They must love coming to visit!! xx

  6. Sorry Dawn - I was sure I had posted a reply, but my memory is obviously lacking! Not surprised that BT are still running round in circles, and just hope someone can reach the broomcupboard with that vital communication phone sometime soon.

    Must be lovely for you having the grandchildren there, and I bet they adored the wee goats.

  7. Love the larger font, thanks so much.

  8. Beach photo look unbelievable! I can feel this fresh breeze and large space. Your grandchildren are so nice :)


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