Nearly had a day mix up and didn't do this post, never mind.
Money that is whats this weeks thoughts are on, when you throw off the shackles of your old life and plan to live off the land, no matter how much self sufficiency you plan to be you WILL need money, how much money you need all depends on the life you plan to live.
If you grow your own food
Raise your own meat
Go off grid and supply your own services
Paid off your mortgage
you will still need money, Council tax still has to be paid, vet bills have to be paid, Animal feed, transport/fuel costs are just some of the things you need money for, unless you win the lottery you will have to come up with a way to earn money to pay for your get away lifestyle.
Kev from English Homestead is a carpenter and his wife a teacher, they swap roles with childcare and Kev works during school holidays and does some work at week ends and evenings, its hard work for the both but they have worked out a good balance.
Sue Quiet Life In Suffolk her husband has been doing work locally for farmers and neighbours they also run a campsite and Sue sells produce from the gate. Another good balance.
Bovey Belle deals in antiques and her husband restores antiques, they spend there week ends going round fairs and events and week days are spent sorting stock. Another good balance.
My husband Martin still has to work away through the week, I earn from crafting, it is tough being here and coping with all sorts of problems on my own, its tough on Martin as well, he works hard drives hundreds of miles a week to and from home, we are still working on the balance but have plans and we will get there.
So what do you plan to do for money, have lots of chickens and sell eggs, REALLY in a rural area just about every other driveway has a sign up eggs for sale, why will they buy yours, what if your place isn't on a busy route selling from the gate would be very difficult, whatever you decide to do there will be some-one else in your area doing it already, that's not to say you cant but if you go in all gun ho slash prices to get the work you will only get up the backs of local people and in a rural area you need friends not enemies, there are lots of crafters around me, I got to know who was selling what by attending local events, doing some research making friends then doing something a bit different to others, you might have to take on a little cleaning job, be prepared to do some seasonal work, its only by getting to know others and getting involved with local events you will hear of these jobs. Fact of rural life is they are more likely to take on some-one they know locally rather than a stranger and you will be the stranger, it may take years before you are considered local i some places you may never be considered a local.
Selling on line means you can sell to the world, but selling on line in a rural area has its draw backs, Internet speeds and connections may be patchy, there have been occasions we have lost phone and Internet services for days, posting out items can be difficult, we have a mobile post office van come to the village for an hour a day on week days, I have to set the timer on my phone to remind me of the time and down tools and dash when the van is coming, nothing beats visiting the post office van in your wellies and your covered in muck.
There have been times it hasn't turned up, its broken down, the driver is sick and if the weather is bad in winter I may not be able to get to it.
No matter how much you save or how frugal you are you will always need money, if something major goes wrong you need to lay your hands on money fast. You also have to think what if your partner is not well enough to work, what if you lose your partner.
We know some-one who recently lost his wife they have been living there dream for only a few years, seeing how this friend is now having to make life changes was something that we discussed what if we were in that situation, its something you will have to discuss, how will the one that's left cope, you never know what is round the corner.
There is always a way to earn money you just have to be prepared to turn your hand at just about anything and unskilled labour is low pay, so how do you plan to earn some money when you throw off the shackles and flee to live your dream.