Monday, 13 October 2014

Wicked Witch from The West

Yes that's me, the wicked witch, the bearer of bad news, 
I was down in Milton Keynes spending a few days at the shop, it has not been easy juggling the shop from a distance and there has been other issues with the shop as well so it was time to make the big decision and I decided the shop is to close, it hasn't been an easy choice to make,  but I have to follow my head and not my heart, the news didn't go down well, I didn't expect it to.
decision has been made and we now have a closing down sale in place, the shop will close it doors in November, now its all happening I feel a lot better about it all.
I don't know what route I will take now, but I know I want some space for me to do what I want, I have no plans as of yet. Like they say when one door closes another opens and I have been offered a little part time job just 3 hours a week setting up craft projects and working with the young mums at the family centre, I start on 4th of November. I wasn't looking for job I didn't even apply for one it just happened. 
It will be a nice little income, I will meet others in the community and doing something I love. 
Yesterday evening we headed down to the beach just in time for sunset, the picture shows hubby standing on the rocks pointing out the dolphins, that were surfing the waves.
It was a calm evening on the beach a big contrast to the storms we had the other day, storms that started about 3pm and continued until about 5am the next morning, there was some great lightening shows but they kept knocking out the power I lost count of the amount of power cuts we had, it also knocked out phones and Internet. Today the weather started off OK but the wind is picking up again.
I pulled up the last of our container grown carrots today, not a bad little crop I plan to get some soup made with them and some other bits of veg.
Today my seeds from the seeds club arrived
Carrots, Kale, Mustard and Lavender I a looking forward to doing the Lavender I have never grown it from seed before, something different to try.
I also got my Amaryllis's and Hyacinth bulbs planted, these are all for indoors, I have a few more Hyacinths that I want to grow in the glass vases, i just need to find them, I like to grow the blue ones that are highly scented, I love the scent of hyacinths after they have had there season indoors I plant them out and start afresh the following year with new indoor bulbs again. I need to get my sweet peas started as well will have to have a look to see if I have any left.


  1. You've done the difficult bit, in making the decision and letting everyone know. Hopefully things will go smoothly for you.


  2. Life is too short to have extra stress that - although a difficult choice - can be taken from you. As long as you have enough income for the major bills then all will be well.

  3. Travelling between Wales and the shop is all well and fine in the summer. Come the bad weather and it will be a different kettle of fish. I am certain that you have made a wise choice and your new craft job is perhaps an indicator of that.

  4. I found my glass bulb jars in a charity shop, they had loads at 50p each. You had a hard weekend, but now you can look forward.

  5. Doing anything from a distance is tricky especially running a business. Anything you can do to cut out travel has to be good. I'm sure it's the right decision.

  6. A difficult decision but one that give you more time. We all try to spread ourselves too thinly sometimes. The new job sounds ideal x

  7. All that back and forwards and running a business from a distance sounds like hard work. The new job sounds fun and once you get going there might be other places that need the same sort of thing.
    As my late Mum would have said to anyone who disagreed with something - they'll have to like it or lump it!

  8. All the best for your new ventures....often when a difficult decision has been made it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

  9. It is never easy to make these big decisions, but I am sure that you have thought it through and decided that this is what is right, and that being the case, it is of course the right thing to do isn't it. Whatever the future brings for you I hope that it is wonderful and that you will enjoy it! xx

  10. Thanks for everyones comments, its wasnt an easy descion for me, life goes on and the shop will be a loss to some, I am now looking forward to new ventures :- )


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