Monday, 27 October 2014

Water Glorious Water

We finally have our own water supply, all connected up this morning at the water mains by the water board that has taken them three months to do.

This afternoon neighbours came round with the digger dug a trench through the garden and connected the house up for me.
The garden now looks like a mud bath 
But in time it will be sorted, at least I can now have a shower when I want use a hosepipe when I want and knowing I have the water pressure there for it.
The garden boundary fence will be completed tomorrow I can now start planning the garden and get stuck into finishing off the planting. 
Happy days, I feel we are getting somewhere now and making progress. 


  1. So glad your water is sorted out - such a complete have achieved so much in such a short time.

  2. Excellent, must feel wonderful to make such progress.

  3. You really are achieving a lot in such a short time. I admit to being jealous. I wish my OH worked as fast!

  4. Progress is always such a relief. It's amazing how we can do without things and then as they creep back into our lives at first it seems so novel. I'm glad you have the water sorted.

    Your mud matches our mud. Happy days ;-)

  5. Hurrah, progress on the water front.


  6. Maybe you and Sue could start your own mud support group!


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