Saturday, 12 April 2014

Breakfast With The Alpacas.

Today I have managed to do a short video of the woolly wonders having there breakfast, its not the best video in the world, I filmed it on my phone this morning, but now I have got the hang of it I can do more and hopefully get better at it and share more of our lifestyle.
We got some more news on the pending move today, the surveyor report, and our mortgage offer so its all heading in the right direction.
My sister kindly left me a load of empty boxes so it looks like I am going to be filling them over the next few days, fun times to look forward to. I enjoy packing it feels like I am getting somewhere.
My hand is very tender today, and heaven forbid I knock it, the air will turn blue, had a bad nights sleep, it kept me awake, I am so looking forward to getting the stitches out so I can function properly again.
Hubby is cooking dinner tonight, Saturday night is his cook night, Chicken Risotto is on the menu, he picked the carcass clean from a roast chicken we had earlier in the week.
In the shop today I spent most of the day cutting up fat quarters from the new Tilda fabric range we had arrive yesterday, lovely fabric, I resisted bringing any home to add to my fabric stash.
Last Night I sat and unpicked some hand stitching on a quilt I was doing, so tonight I am going to get machine stitching it as I really want it finished, the hand stitching I was doing was an idea of quilting each block in a different embroidery stitch with metallic threads, it was turning into a bit of a nightmare, so a change of plan was needed. 
Nothing is ever set in stone, If you dont like it change it.


  1. Hi I just found your blog through a comment you left on Frugal in Suffolk. Delighted to find you are on a similar journey to me. I have kust bought a rural place in East Sx and am selling the house I live in now to fund the renovations and extensions. I hope to keep goats and grow veg and do more for myself. So congratulations on your place n Wales it sounds lovely, hopefully you will be there before long and can set up before winter arrives,- thats what I am hoping for myself. Good luck!

  2. Thanks heres hoping you reach your dreams too before winter, do you have a blog, I would be intrested in reading how you are going about things.


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